Again, I've been remiss. Can I blame it on a missing USB cord that I found only when cleaning / reorganizing on Sunday? No? OK.
The Friday before last I decided to have an impromptu taco party. I can make tacos with my eyes shut and one hand tied behind my back, right? No biggie, just some chopping, sautee, whatevs. Plus, The Tindallator was going to help me.
After a trip to Whole Paycheck and an oh-shit moment where I realized my apartment was a mess, I began by making guac and salsa. A LOT. Which was a good thing, because my poor guests, who arrived at 8 as instructed, didn't get to eat until nearly 11:00. Why? How 'bout I just phrase it in the following NO TO DO LIST:
1. DO NOT attempt to saute lots of items in a small amount of time on two burners, one of which is actually usable for high-heat cooking.
2. DO NOT add rice with chorizo, toasted pine nuts and carrot to the menu last minute even it if is simple. It's still several steps: saute separately: chorizo; onion and carrot; garlic, bring stock to a boil, mix rice, sauteed items; bake for 45 minutes*. Now is not the time for innovation.
3. DO NOT drink excessively while cooking. This is an oldie but a goodie. Slainte! Sucker, you burned yourself again, didn't you?
4. DO NOT attempt to revive frozen corn tortillas by steaming them. They will fall apart into an defeated mess that you will have to guiltily throw away (ahem, Miss Thang).
5. DO NOT not assume that COOKING ANYTHING will be as easy as in a Normal Kitchen. EVER.
My sincerely apologizes to the friends that had to witness this COOKING FAIL. I got my just deserves the next morning, hungover and scraping avocado and hot sauce off the pretty bamboo floor.
* But it was pretty good. I think I found my first next dish to improve. "Mexican" or "Spanish" rice usually sucks, even at better restaurants. It's just... salty, orange rice only good for scraping up the rest of the grease on your plate. This was an improvement).
A few more tidbits:
Today I hit up the Siena Farms stand at the Copley Market: beautiful broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, and radishes for Vegetable Only Dinner. I like to do this about once a week: three or four steamed vegetables, no salt, no butter, etc. Plus, their produce is so flavorful that it's nice to enjoy it naked. Like other things in life.
My worries about whether I can bake in the Breville have all but disappeared. It's better than a full-size oven for almost everything. Then again, I haven't used a full size convection oven yet, but I've heard it is glorious.
The first loaf of homemade bread I made in my new place was the Honey Buttermilk Bread from The Bread Bible, a bomb-ass baking book. I'd forgotten how meditative and soothing the whole process is: mixing, kneading, waiting for the first rise, second rise, baking, cooling, and tasting--a long process that anchors me while I trifle around with laundry, cleaning the shower, answering emails, etc. Sadly, I was a lazy ass and didn't take pictures of Bread Sunday, but I do have half-eaten evidence.
I swear to god that I have eaten half and there's still enough left to hide my head behind. Well, almost.
I think this is against the blog rules, by the way. Showing my picture and all to the world.
No, that's not me. I actually look just like Paris Hilton.
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